I've been reading through these thread's and I see several mentions of clown hosting with anemones. I was just wondering what everyone was talking about.
clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with some species of anemones. The clowns are protected from predators because the anemones sting other fish. And the clown protects the anemone from other fish that would eat it. Thus the anemone is the clowns host
It is actually pretty annoying when the clown hosts an anemone in your tank...sure it is cool, but those suckers can really attack you if you have your hand in the tank.
Originally Posted by 3geclipse86 http:///forum/post/2620741
I just bought 2 clarkii's yesterday, what kind of anemone would be ok to put in the tank?
Carpets are pretty much locked in position for hosting. Be carefull with them though, they can sting other fish. But they should know what by instinct not to.
clowns can host things other than anenomes, if your tank isnt ready for an anenome do not put one in, it will die, release toxins....so on so forth. my elegance coral hosts my true percs.
I bought a bubble tip on tuesday and my clown's love it now. I caught them playing in it yesterday. I bought a blue led moon light yesterday and once the lights go off the anemone glow's green, it's pretty cool