House passed the Health Bill


Active Member
MSNBC had the vote live. What's sad was when they hit the needed 216 votes, they all started chanting "Yes We Can!". I was waiting for the Spanish version "si se puede".

Guess we'll see how it turns out. I never got to read the entire bill, but it appears the final push came when Obama agreed that no public funding would pay for abortions. They did say no Republican voted for it.


Active Member
I don't think anyone has read the final bill because it hasn't been written yet.
I just read that families with incomes up to 88K a year are eligible for health care subsidies. The wife and I stuck with one kid cause that's what we figured we could afford. Now we get to pony up to help support people who earn more than us because they spit out more kids than they could afford to support. Is this a great country or what?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
This is far from over.There is already multiple Constitutional challenges waiting to be filled as soon as this bill gets signed,if it ever does.
I think 34 states already have prepared to take action against this bill.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
This is far from over.There is already multiple Constitutional challenges waiting to be filled as soon as this bill gets signed,if it ever does.
I think 34 states already have prepared to take action against this bill.
Let's us PRAY and hope so, as this is a death blow for liberty


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't think anyone has read the final bill because it hasn't been written yet.
are you insane? there were two things signed today.
one was the senate's bill was approved. that is signed, sealed, and getting delivered.
second was reconcilliation that now goes to the senate. senate can look at this and say, no we don't want to remove everything you've put in there and kill reconcilliation.
the senate's bill is going to the pres and has been written for months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Guess we'll see how it turns out. I never got to read the entire bill, but it appears the final push came when Obama agreed that no public funding would pay for abortions. They did say no Republican voted for it.
there is public funding in the senate bill for abortions. obama said he would write an "executive order" that would prohibit this. good luck..


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
are you insane? there were two things signed today.
one was the senate's bill was approved. that is signed, sealed, and getting delivered.
second was reconcilliation that now goes to the senate. senate can look at this and say, no we don't want to remove everything you've put in there and kill reconcilliation.
the senate's bill is going to the pres and has been written for months.
Nothing has been signed yet.
They are talking about trying to jam the public option back in and a few other things as part of reconciliation. We ain't even close to a final product.


Active Member
Unfortunatly the only really questionable part as far as constitutionality is the requirement that everyone buys insurance. That is one of the good parts of the bill that I really do think is going to get tossed.


Active Member joke. cart before the horse. Obama has ram rodded this down everyones throat. It will take years to work every word of 2K pages of this nonsense. Can't wait until the supreme court gets involved....another good use to tax dollars. By then we will all be taxed out of jobs, homes etc just to pay for this. How many more days of Obama misery???
If we would rid the system of medicare medicade fraud and get illegals off of our medical system it might make the picture change. The amount of fraud is nuts...billions every year in every state.
Maybe we should create another governmt agency to oversee how this will really work. (make it work or else.......)


Active Member
I am sure there are plenty of moron nieces and nephews of politicians that would be available to screw up, I mean run the new agency.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
Unfortunatly the only really questionable part as far as constitutionality is the requirement that everyone buys insurance. That is one of the good parts of the bill that I really do think is going to get tossed.
This has reversal written all over it vis-a-vis 10th Amendment and Commerce Clause(shall have power To regulate
Commerce ) No where does it say Mandate.


Active Member
Hey, at least my kids can stay on my insurance until they're 26. My youngest is aspiring to become a cardiologist/neurologist. She'll be in her 30's before she can even look at getting a job that provides health insurance. Ironically, once she starts practicing her profession, she'll be the one paying the higher taxes so the less fortunate can have insurance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Hey, at least my kids can stay on my insurance until they're 26. My youngest is aspiring to become a cardiologist/neurologist. She'll be in her 30's before she can even look at getting a job that provides health insurance. Ironically, once she starts practicing her profession, she'll be the one paying the higher taxes so the less fortunate can have insurance.
no...most full time jobs offer health insurance. hell, even food stores offer health insurance. this is a cop out...there's too many adult children (isn't that an oxymoron anyway????) living in their parent's houses as it is, this is just another excuse as to why they can't go out on their own.


Active Member
Well, we can look at the bright side, this blows Unerevo's argument out of the water, that both parties are the same...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
are you insane? there were two things signed today.
one was the senate's bill was approved. that is signed, sealed, and getting delivered.
second was reconcilliation that now goes to the senate. senate can look at this and say, no we don't want to remove everything you've put in there and kill reconcilliation.
the senate's bill is going to the pres and has been written for months.
Not nessesarily, what is getting signed into law today is the senate version of the bill. They have a second bill which is basically what for all intents and purposes be a reconsilation bill. If they didn't have to do all the political wrangling to get something passed. Basically they're trying to add onto the bill later what they had hoped was in the original bill to begin with...


Active Member
A medical student doesn't have time to work a part-time job, much less a full-time job just to get medical benefits. I assume they came up with the age of 26 because that's the typical age a child hits once they've completed enough college to obtain their Bachelor's degree, and then has time to get a job that provides medical benefits.


Active Member
So if you go into college at 18 it takes 8 years to get out of college with a Bachelor's? what are you doing taking 2 classes a symester?