How about this for lighting?


Active Member
I have the hellolights 48" 440 watts. I really don't want to go mh for the 135 yet so I was thinking what about a retro with 2 72" vhos which would add 320 watts and then I'd have a little over 5 wpg. I was thinking the 4 48" in middle of canopy and one 72 inch on backside and one on front side. What do ya'll think about that?


Active Member
What are you going to keep? Sounds pretty neat to me, then you could put your sponges and shrooms and stuff around the edges in the dimmer areas, good luck wrassecal


Active Member
Clams! I'm going to keep clams!...just kidding. The usual softies and that kind of stuff, I've got fox and hammer and bubble and the 2 bta's an shrooms and plate coral stuff with lighting needs along those lines.


Active Member
Clams and ooh ooh don't forget ritteri anemones, I hear they only need low light also :p Sounds like a great lighting for the softies.


Active Member
You might think about stagering your 48 inch bulbs that way you get a better spread.


Active Member
Slick - good advice as usual:D Did you see the pics of the stand hubby is building. It's in the photography section. I showed him the pic of the canopy you posted. His ideas are similar. I'll post it when it's a little further along..


Active Member
Yeah I did see the stand he built. Tell him he did a great job:D. I look forward to seeing the canopy when he is done. If you guys need any help or advice just send me a e-mail and I'll be glad to help as much as I can.


Active Member
I do have a question. I'm a little confused on what to use on the inside of the canopy. If I spray paint it with the heat resistant paint then do you poly over that to water proof. How do you get heat resistance and water proofing both? Out last canopy buckled a little and I want to make sure this one has no problems.


Active Member
First the problem with it buckeling. Was it from weight or from water damage? More than likely it was from some sort of water damage. I don't know what you guys plan on using for material, but I like 3/4 plywood or solid wood.
You can paint the inside with heat resistant spray paint. Then go over it with a poly of some kind. Make sure you cover everything to prevent it from warping.


Active Member
It's 3/4 oak veneer plywood. The other one was just a piece of solid pine (pos) and buckled the same day.
edit: notice how freely I use the word "I" when "I'm not even the one doing the actual work?:D