how aggrs r huma huma triggers


New Member
I was given a huma, its about 2" and i was wondering how aggressive they R.
its with a 2 yellow damsels. a singapore angel. and 2 hemit crabs 2 snails.
55 gal, 25# LR 15#LS 10#CC, 2 550 power H, 2 Whisper 60. 2 5050 ac. lighting.
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hate to be the bearer of bad news here but:
an angel and a trigger in a 55 is pushing things alone(let alone other fishes that you may have and or want), sorry
yep he will start on your damsels than comes those nice fins on your angel if you get a angel get something aggressive like a passer angel or french they can handle there selfs good

beach bum

I think a singapore angel is a dwarf angel, right? If so then you have quite a bit of time to upgrade since picassos grow veeeerrry slooooowwwwwllllly. But they are very aggressive as adults, despite being mild mannered juveniles.


The singapor angel reaches 6in long and the picasso triggerfish I think gets to be 8in or maybe large, i'm not sure. I would upgrade to a 75 if you wish to keep both of them for life. From there on in the 55 you'll have a year or so to plan upgrading.