How am I doing?


Im slowly turning my 135 into a reef. I have a 40g mud filter. All of my corals are fine and my fish. The only problem is when I add new Fish. They die within a couple days. The water is fine. Any ideas?


Active Member
What do they die of...?
I mean do they breath hard, have white spots, cloudy eyes, turn colors, lose color...?
Or just quit swimming...?


How are you acclimating them to the new tank?
Also, do you have any fish in there right now that might be showing aggression towards them?


Active Member
You say your waters "fine"...
What are your levels (from testing) of Ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte, pH, salinity and Temp...?
How long has the Tank been set up...?
How many fish do you add at one time...?
What Kind of Fish are you adding...?
What other Fish are in the Tank...?


everything is within limits according to "Saltwater Master Test Kit" Temp stays at 80.5. The last shipment I added 4 fish.
The only thing that could show aggression is a Powder Blue. The fish that have died are...Fire fish, Tiger Goby, Flame angel, Royal Gamma and Bangia Cardinal. All from here. I acclimate them as reccomended.
The oter fish in the tank are...Fire fish, Royal gamma, powder blue, Foxface, Cowfish, hermits, snails, Tiger Goby, 3 clown gobys, green chromis and a watchman Goby. Its been up since Dec.


Active Member
I don't want to sound like I'm coming down hard on you (please take this as concern/advise)...BUT...
1. I don't know what the "limit(s)" are in a Saltwater Master Kit, but the "limit" for Ammonia is ...0...the limit for NitrIte is...0...
2. 11 fish is a lot for your tank (even if they are small), probably the upper limits of what your tank can sustain...
Adding 4 more (especialy at one time) may be pushing it over the edge...
The "new ones" die because they have been under the most stress from shipping and the others have already established there "territory" stressing the new additions even further...
3. There are acouple of "combos" of fish that you have/have chosen that just won't get along...


New Member
Yea, it sounds like you are over your limit but you can really help with the bioload by adding more live rock to your tank.