How am I supposed to do this?????


I believe I put a fish in my main display tank that had Ick...Yellow Tang. I quarantined him when I noticed it but he eventually died. Now my blue hippo has what I believe is ick so it's obviously in my main display (reef) tank. So how do I treat the tank that has corals in it. I am replacing the uv bulb in my sterilizer but I can't do hypo so what am I left with. I don't want to lose my whole tank. There are also two false percuals and one firefish goby in the tank.


Quick, get a good size cleaner shrimp. He will clean the ick off the fish. I feed food soaked in garlic extreme. Ick doesn't like to live on fish that smell like garlic. It's worth a try.


Can't you hypo in the quarantine tank? Also, my understanding is ich will die off in the tank if it has no fish for at least 3-4 weeks?