How bad have you been bitten by the salt water bug?


New Member

How many hours of the day do you spend staring at your tank, how many times do you readjust your rocks and stuff? I've only been doing this for 3 months now, and I am still consumed. 150 gallons, 200 lbs live rock. Mated pair of Maroon clowns, frickin' ahhh.....scissor tail gobie, clown gobie, bi-colored blenie, dragon gobie, orange spot gobie, cleaner wrasse, dispair anthais, long-tip anemone that the clowns are hosting, green torch corral, bubble corral, 70 snals, 10 crabs, couple peppermint shrimp and a sailfin blinny. I gotta stop buying fish.
...When can i get back to normal life? When will the madness stop?
Hi my name is Jeff and i think I have a problem.

royal gang

Active Member
i have a 50 gallon, 50 lbs of LR and i stare at it for about an hour.. lol i got a 2 1/2 inch sandbed and a pump.. and some halides, bout it'


Originally Posted by pondboy

How many hours of the day do you spend staring at your tank, how many times do you readjust your rocks and stuff? I've only been doing this for 3 months now, and I am still consumed. 150 gallons, 200 lbs live rock. Mated pair of Maroon clowns, frickin' ahhh.....scissor tail gobie, clown gobie, bi-colored blenie, dragon gobie, orange spot gobie, cleaner wrasse, dispair anthais, long-tip anemone that the clowns are hosting, green torch corral, bubble corral, 70 snals, 10 crabs, couple peppermint shrimp and a sailfin blinny. I gotta stop buying fish.
...When can i get back to normal life? When will the madness stop?
Hi my name is Jeff and i think I have a problem.
Welcome to the saltwater hobby. As you get more stock, you will find yourself and your company staring at it more and more!!!!


Active Member
My tank is my alarm clock, when the actinics kick on in the morning I sit up an lookat it for about 20minutes (its two feet from my bed I actually have to flip my mattress up when fragging corals) when I get hom I stare at it for about another hlaf hour or more depending on howmuch I have to do, then at bed time Iwatch it under the moonlights for a while, and this doesnt count the time I spen when I add new stuff of change things or just wanna look at it. total maybe two hours a day on any regular day more on others.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
yeah because one coral never freaks out when you grab another coral........

they do sting when they get jealous though


got it so bad...i bought a 45 gallon and everything to go with it stocked it then barely 3 months later traded it in for a has consumed my life i would say i spend 8+ hours everyday looking at something for the tank, looking at the tank, thinking about the tank, reading about the tank, planning for lights, plumbing etc etc etc...

sign guy

Active Member
A year ago I upgraded from a 20g to a 46bow front. this past summer I found this site( and have been pissing my wife off ever since...she sends her cold stares to you guys ). Abought 2 months ago I got a better paying job and talked my wife into letting me get a 180. two weeks ago my brother in law (who I also got hooked ) needed more space so he sold me his 125 fowlr and is putting the money towards a 365gal tank for when he gets a house. I am now despritly trying to convince my wife tha a 210 gal tank would look more asthetic than a 180
my name is patrick..and I am addicted to swf............and am ok with that,i've come to come to accept it


i have already started making plans for a huge tank bulit in unit with a fish room just for me in a basement when i eventually get a job and have a house bulit...then we will have a display tank in the main part of the house along with my tank in my "MAN'S ROOM" will probably end up being in the 180-220 family


And to think I was obsessed. Guess Im not the only one. Just got my 55g on wednesday. It was an established tank but in high need of some TLC. Kept half the water and the other half is new water. Spent about 6 hours moving it and setting it up and then probly layed in bed another hour and half thinking about it. When im not working im online or reading trying to learn about it, my gf is the one who hooked me up with the free tank from a friend, shes probly regreting it now


I've got a 55 in living room, a 125 in my bedroom and a 29 gallon qt in my son's room. They all have 100% Hawaiian Species of fish. And my son who is 13 takes care of the qt.
A Hui Hou'
Mele Kalikimaka


Hey im charly, im 16 i spend every paycheck that i get from my little job after-school at the grocery store on my tank, im saving up to buy my huge list of equipment and my tank is empty and id say i stare for about a half hour just trying to imagine how awesome this is gonna be, and another seven just reading on here and educating myself more and more!
i built the stand from 2x4's and the angle iron top brace myself too so that took alittle while


Only thing that has stopped me for awhile is all my fish are in hypo, so I have 6 weeks to go before they go back to display. I still watch the shrimp and snails though and plan for a refugium. I just got a timer for my lights and a refractometer for salinity.
Its better than TV.