How big do pink tips get? (photo)


Active Member
I bought this from not too long ago and I can't believe how big it's getting! If it's grown this much in such a short time, how big do they get, or does it depend on the space they're in? This is a pink tip Haitian anemone in my 55 gallon.



Active Member's gorgeous....I belive they can get very large so you may have to trade it out for something else........great job with it!!


Active Member
Thanks - it does seem happy. Maybe it'll split and then I'll have two smaller ones? This is my first anemone so it's beginner's luck so far.


Here there is a big public aquarium called Moody Gardens. Any way they have a tank with about 6 or so of these. Each is about 1 foot at the base of the anemone. It is amazing!


Active Member
I have two in there.... one has grown slightly but the other is just going crazy and growing in leaps and bounds. I'm tempted to get some clowns to host them but I wonder if that would keep them from thriving. I guess I'll wait until I find two clowns that I just MUST have. Until then, I'll let the anemones have some peace and quiet and see how big they get.


Active Member
Hi Rick - nice to see you over here! Being my first anemone I had no idea what "normal" anemone behavior, habits, care and growth rate is so this has been a learning experience. Sure glad I didn't put it in the 14 gallon biocube like I had planned to!
Do anemones need to be moved to a bigger location when they get too big? I mean, are they like fish that need a bigger home the bigger they are, or can it be happy in a 55 forever? It's amazing how tiny and shriveled it is in the morning and how HUGE and beautiful it is a few hours later. It reminds me constantly that it's a living animal rather than a "plant". What a fascinating hobby.



Haitian Anemones don't really split nearly as frequently as Bubble Tips. Actually, I've never heard of one splitting to be honest.


Active Member
From fish formus
"Common Names: Haitian Anemone, Giant Golden Anemone, Purple Tipped Anemone, Giant Carribbean Anemone
Scientific Name: Condylactis gigantea
Family: Actiniidae
Origin: Carribean—West Indies, Western Atlantic.
Size: 6" high, 12" wide, disc diameter approximately 4"; in nature, it can reach 6" high, 12" wide, disc diameter approximately 16"."


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
From fish formus
"Common Names: Haitian Anemone, Giant Golden Anemone, Purple Tipped Anemone, Giant Carribbean Anemone
Scientific Name: Condylactis gigantea
Family: Actiniidae
Origin: Carribean—West Indies, Western Atlantic.
Size: 6" high, 12" wide, disc diameter approximately 4"; in nature, it can reach 6" high, 12" wide, disc diameter approximately 16"."
Thanks, Henry. Looks lke mine is going to reach it's "maximum" captivity size in no time. Maybe I'll have to correct your source if it keeps growing beyond that.

Under the "in nature" dimensions, is that a typo? Disc diameter of 16" but total width only 12"?