How Big Does A Dwraf Lionfish Get?


Thats what they say, but I have never seen one get that big in the aquarium, mabe like 4-5". 30 gallon or bigger is recommended as a min tank size if thats what your worried about. If its about eating tankmates, anything over 2" should be fine for life.


ummm these guys get a lot bigger than u might expect there is no way i would keep one in a 30 for life maybe a 40 breeder if it was by itself preferably a 65
I really have to get pics of my old one (dendrochius zebra) i didnt feel comfortable keeping him in the 55 gallon i had he was just to damn big he now lives in 125 and pushes around a trigger and a dogfaced puffer, The the trigger (a picasso) actually ended up in the lions mouth during feeding but somehow got away
these guys may not have the wing span of say a volitans or anything but they get huge in the body i will try and get pics next time i go to visit him


Most never get past 6". The radiatas though, will get up to 10". Fu manchus are the smallest I think. 4" max and normally less than that.