how big does the>>


sting ray that sell get?? I was think of puting one in my 55gal reef tank but dont know that much about them or if this would be a good idea, I guess it depends on how big it gets and if it is reef safe. And what they eat. I just want somthing that not alot of people have, and i cant get a shark in a 55 =-] and it would interest anyone that came into my house. Thanks if you know the awnsers to my questions
Your just like me. I wanted a stingray for the same reasons, I wanted some interesting for people to look at when they come over. That was my main reasons for starting a saltwater aquarium.
Once I got on this board I've learned many things one is that there are fresh water rays also and another is that your tank is waaaaaay too small. Rays are very active fish and they are also aggressive and aren't for your reef tank. So unless you got a 200 to 300 gal. tank think of something else.
The good news is that this hobby does give you many species to choose from. So most likely you can find something that nobody has. It's gonna cost you, it may cost a lot or may cost you little but one thing's for sure it's gonna cost ya!


thanks, that is what i thought but i just wanted to check. thanks any one know of somtihng exotic that is around 100$ like the sting ray that will atracted poeples eyes that can be put in a 55gal reef tank? thanks again


In my opinion I would wrather get a nice red carpet anenome and some clown fish. Watching the fish swim through the anenomes are much more fun than watching a stingray or anything else...just my opinion.