75 gallon, 20gallon sump with wet/dry, soon-to-be 15gallon fuge, 48" orbit 4x65 (2 1000k + 2 actinic + lunar), two powerheads, 76lbs lr, 28lbs sand, 40lbs ls, heater, skimmer (cheapie - wish i had bought a better one, but will soon), 2-5gallon jugs for water changes, funnel, test kit, clean up crew, 4 fish, magnet cleaner, wand cleaner, food comes to about $2500 after everything.. hope i didnt forget to include anything... that includes wasting money on stuff i didnt need/threw out after finding this site!
and a drinking water ro unit that i use for water changes..
and cant forget the salt mix.. i put it all on one credit card so i could keep track!
i dont have a clue if u subtract what u were talkin about, but u get the idea..
tank was 180 with tax, and fish were about $45.. clean up crew.. $110