How big? How much?


HOw big is your tanks? How much money (ballpark figure) do you hve invested? Not talking about extras (ex: RO/DIs, Filters, sumps refufiums) Tank only and the inhabitants.


Active Member
75 gallon, 20gallon sump with wet/dry, soon-to-be 15gallon fuge, 48" orbit 4x65 (2 1000k + 2 actinic + lunar), two powerheads, 76lbs lr, 28lbs sand, 40lbs ls, heater, skimmer (cheapie - wish i had bought a better one, but will soon), 2-5gallon jugs for water changes, funnel, test kit, clean up crew, 4 fish, magnet cleaner, wand cleaner, food comes to about $2500 after everything.. hope i didnt forget to include anything... that includes wasting money on stuff i didnt need/threw out after finding this site!
and a drinking water ro unit that i use for water changes..
and cant forget the salt mix.. i put it all on one credit card so i could keep track!
i dont have a clue if u subtract what u were talkin about, but u get the idea..
tank was 180 with tax, and fish were about $45.. clean up crew.. $110


i have a 55 gallon, it was past down from a dead relative 0 dollars,had a filter and light with it. Every thing else,including skimmer and heater has cost me about $700. This includes salt and test and what little live stuff i have in it. Dead relative also had another tank which looks to be 100 gallons or better, thinking of upgrading to it if i really enjoy and can handle the 55 gallon. I am also getting a 30 gallon for my birthday to cure live rock in and use as a QT tank, we seen some at a local store for around $120.


Active Member
46 gallon bow with stand - $450
80lbs of LR - $325
2 clowns - $20 each
1 yellow tang - $20
1 royal gramma - $12
clean up crew - $90
PC lighting - $225
Sand - $60
Thats all i can remember. I know i have over $2000 invested. Tanks been up a year.


55 Gallon Blueback $20
75/90 Oak Stand $150
40 Gallon Sump $269
48" Coralife Lunar Lights $212
Coralife Super Skimmer $86
Chiller $334
88 pounds LR Unknown
Cleaning Crew $109
Damsels $3.99 x2
Tomato Clown $9.00
Lawnmower Blenny $9.99 x2
Coral Beuaty Angel $16.00
Manderan Goby $11.00


Tank and stand----$500
Rock and Sand----$600
Filters and pumps----$400
Looks when finished----Priceless!!!!!!!!!


55 Gal. Tank - $50 (from relative)
Oceanic 700 Canister Filter - $90
Natural Sea Salt - $65
Spring Water - $25
40 lbs. Live Sand - $45
20 lbs. Aragonite - $25
25 lbs. Live Rock - $175
40 lbs. Base Rock - $80
Two 24" T5 Lights - $110
Various Algae - $15
True Percula - $13
Firefish - $20
6 Line Wrasse - $20
Lawnmower Blennie - $20
Brittle Star Fish - $12
Fan Worm - $18
2 Peppermint Shrimp - $15
Porcelain Crab - $10
Emerald Crab - $10
10 Blue Legged Hermits - $20
5 Turbo Snails - $10
I didn't know that I had spent that much!!!
I gonna go shoot myself now........Just Kidding!!!!!!


55 gallon 120
stand 60
canopy 80
fluval filter 80
unused seaclone(biggest waste of money) 100
4 powerheads 70
heater 25
24" compact lights 75
60lbs live rock 120 was given some and cured my own
50 lbs of live sand 50
brown tang 30
marron clown 9
true clown 15
chromis free
blue tang 21
2 peppermint shrimp 20
5 snails free
polyps 20
mushrooms 15
blennie 8
foxface 20
just bought a new filter system 300
almost 1200 wow....thats a lot


New Member
90 gal Tank and stand were a Valentine day gift from the GF
80 gals of pre-mixed water $50
20lbs of LR $150
50lbs of dry rock $75
Fluval 404 $120
Emperor 400 $70
100lbs of sand $50
18watt UV sterilizer $120
3 Damsels $21
300 watt heater $40
UPS since my house is prone to dropping power when the wind blows $160
Thats all for now since I am still in the building/learning process. My lights(4x96watt), skimmer and powerheads will be in tomorrow. So probably another $1000 or so once I get some other goodies along with that stuff.


Active Member
37 Gallon $220 with filtration
Ebo Jager heater $30
40Lbs Live rock $180
30Lbs Live sand $35
4 Damels $1.99 Each gave away 3
1 choc chip star $13
1 black voltan lion $40
$526 so far but I will be upgrading soon :thinking: maybe a 200G


Originally Posted by reefer75
Tank and stand----$500
Rock and Sand----$600
Filters and pumps----$400
Looks when finished----Priceless!!!!!!!!!

OMG I was thinking the same thing when i read that reefer!
There is no way i can even start adding it up, What my wife don't know won't kill me!


Well, this is likely to be a fun (and sickening) exercise. Here goes:
Tank In Progress - Up 3 Weeks
55 g tank $120
mission stand $100
35 lbs live rock $200 (need 20 lbs more)
80w fl dual strip $60 (going to need better lighting)
actinic / 10k bulbs $40
Aquaclear 50 pwrhd $20
Penguin 200 filter $20
Prizm Skimmer $100
Master Test Kit $20
Instant Ocean $20
Crushed Coral $25 (newbie mistake)
elec pH tester $35
KH test kit $8
thermometer $5
large vacuum $7
outlet timer $10 (for lights)
100w heater $25
hydrometer $8 (I know, I need a better one)
2 five gal buckets $10
Marine Buffer $8 (to get pH to 8.3 originally)
Vitamin Supp $8 (recommended by LFS)
Mag Float Cleaner $15
5 snails $20 (yes, the tank is cycled, all zeros)
6 crabs $10
2 damsels $12
flake food $5
Total $903

The main problem I've found is that you tend to bleed $10s and $20s for weeks after you thought the tank would be complete. I've made almost every newbie mistake, but it is still fun, especially seeing my 5 year old study every aspect of it.