How Big is To Big?????? (refugium)


Active Member
Ok, I have a 55gal. non drilled glass tank. I am looking at a refugium set up w/skimmer for a 150 gallon tank or 800 gph. Is that to big for my 55? The refugium itself is 24"x10"x12" and would be put under the tank inside the stand. Any help or thoughts please!


Hey there Barry!
IMO, the bigger the better! There's no such thing as too big for a fuge. The more water you have, the larger of a margin of error you have to work with! Also, a big fuge like that will allow you to keep more pods, and allow you to get cool fish like mandarins. I'd say go for it if it's a good value! Really, it's more about how much room you have to work with.



Active Member
Hi Jenn, thats what I thought. Just wanted to make sure that it was not to large and my tank couldn't handle the flow in or out etc. This one I'm looking at is around $250 w/skimmer and light. My 40th B-day is the 1st of Oct. and my good wife said that my gift would be $400. Wuh, Huh!!!!


Active Member
Never can have too much water... hehe, unless you get to the point where you can't afford electricity, water changes, salt, or stuff to put in it.
Good luck with it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Never can have too much water... hehe, unless you get to the point where you can't afford electricity, water changes, salt, or stuff to put in it.
Good luck with it!
Ok, I understand the bigger the better, but will it cause my tank and or refugium to overflow if thepump is to big? I really don't know! It's for a 150 gallon, that just means that the refugium is recommended for that size?


no it wont overflow just nmake sure that you dont get a pump thats gph is more than your overflows gph. when you set it up make sure to put ball valves on the inlet and outlet so you can adjust each one so it doesnt overflow.
i would reccomend buying the sump,skimmer, lights seperatly
good luck with what ever you choose! :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks Willcon. Why do you suggest buying seperate? I am looking at a 150 refugium w/skimmer on that auction site for around $250. Good, bad or what? Anyone w/better idea email me Thanks, Barry


I checked it; it looks like a really nice setup, i was just thinking that the lights and skimmer wouldnt be as efficient as you could get, but it doesnt look like a crappy setup as i had in mind.


Active Member
I agree i have a 150 wet/dry on my 125gal. tank. I just sent ya an e-mail, ill let ya know when i see it too. And you can ajust your flow rate , as long as the same amount is coming in thats going out you will be fine. Which shouldnt be a problem. What ever skimmer box comes with the system there should be something with it that tells you what size return pump you will need. Talk at ya soon. Todd


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy
I agree i have a 150 wet/dry on my 125gal. tank. I just sent ya an e-mail, ill let ya know when i see it too. And you can ajust your flow rate , as long as the same amount is coming in thats going out you will be fine. Which shouldnt be a problem. What ever skimmer box comes with the system there should be something with it that tells you what size return pump you will need. Talk at ya soon. Todd
Did not get anything Todd.