i have a snowflake moray,spotted puffer,huma trigger,niger trigger,foxface rabbit fish,lunare wrasse,mexican rainbow wrasse,in a 75 gallon but i would like to get a lionfish and a panther grouper
That 75 is pretty crowded now and you want to add a lionfish to. Lionfish get big and even a 75 is small for a lion alone. Get you a 225 or something big if you wanna keep all of them together.
i'm new at this but the tank doesn't seem to be crowded so a 225 would be ok for all of those also how much should i feed them i feed them krill,brineshrimp and goldfish
Yeah your tank is too crowded already. Get rid of a couple fish at least or upgrade your tank b4 they grow into adulthood. As for the grouper, it can get about 2ft long. The lion about 15". Anyways, all this was explained to you already so I just wanted to post a support to the others who had already told you this in hope that you will realize the importance and not add anymore. Take care and good luck.