How big will they get


Is there any type of clown fish I should have in my 29 gallon reef tank? I would like a marron but I herd they grow big. Any help?


I had a pair of maroons and the female was about 5in long and 2.5 inches high. They can get big and really territorial so you need to watch what you put them with. If you do decide to get one add it last.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turtlegirl933
Marooms have been known to grow up to 4 inches long.
Even larger.. One of my LFS has a female thats over 5". Smaller species of clown fish are, skunk clowns, saddle backs, true and false perc's, and black and white ocellaris to name a few.


my female maroon is alittle over 4" long the male alittle under 4"...they are nice to all my fish...but for putting a maroon in a 29G..i dont recomend it sence they hold probly 30G of territory...they would probly want to kill anything in the tank