If you have Crushed coral in your tank as,or as a part of your substrate,this could very well be the problem.Crushed coral(CC) traps uneaten food and fish waste inbetween its granuals where it sits and rots.This rotting waste aventually becomes nitrates.CC also does not contain the low oxegen bacteria that converts nitrates to nitragen gas(the last link in the nitrogen cycle).A good deep sand bed will do this final step in the cycle.Also if your tank is relativly new(less than a year old) it may not have grown the needed bacteria to convert these nitrates.It also could be in the filter medea inside your filter.Most canister,or wet/dry filters will also trap the waste I previously discussed causing HIGH NITRATES.Also overstocking a young or small tank will do it.In this case your fish are producing more waste than the biosystem in your tank can get rid of.Any or all of these will either contribute to,or cause your problem...
[ May 08, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]