how can u make false perc to host bta


Active Member
i bought a bta about 8"a week ago and i wondering if my false percula (i think he's tank raised ) will host it? or should i try green carpet instead? :thinking:


I've heard that putting a picture of a fish hosting an anemone on your tank's glass where your clown hangs out at works.


Active Member
Will she? Maybe, it's up to her. Try MyThrenody's picture trick, it's worked for a lot of ppl so far.


New Member
I have had two true perc and a BTA for two years and they still haven't found it. They have adopted my skimmer intake instead. Once they find something else in the tank, it is very difficult to get them to find the BTA. Make sure you feed your BTA Brine or onther frozen food occasionally since it doesn't have the clowns.


btuff ~ Just an FYI but brine should not be fed to anything in our tanks, it has the nutritional value of cardboard.


Active Member
my clarkie host anything and everyting my two perc watch all day long and don't have a clue as to what they should do. just swim around all day, little window lickers