How can you keep PH at 8.2-8.4?


Alright, my tank 20 gal tank has been up for over 2 months now. I used to a PH of around 8.0 average. The last 2 weeks its been going from 8.0-8.8 and the average is 8.4. Is this normal to see that much of a range in a days time?
I checked this morning and the PH was 8.8 at 11 am. I had no ammonia or nitrites and my nitrates were at 5ppm. I have to check my alkalinity with my salifert kit but my junky red sea test says it is between low-normal. Temp is at 80.0F and my Salinity is at 1.024. I have to check my calcium and I currently do not have a test kit for mag.
Are there any particular reasons that can cause a PH of 8.8? I really don't want to use anything such as PH-Down to decrease my ph, but is there a safe way to keep it at around 8.2-8.4 or should I just monitor the PH for a week or 2 and see what happens?


Active Member
What type of rock and substrate do you have?
I've never had my pH bounce high.. especially in the morning when it should be at its lowest.


The best way to maintain your PH is by dripping Kalk. It will keep both your alkalinity and calcium stable. It's still the best method out there other than a calcium reactor.

sinner's girl

let's see, i've never had a problem with ph, in either of my tanks.
are you adding anything to your tank?
The best way to maintain your PH is by dripping Kalk. It will keep both your alkalinity and calcium stable. It's still the best method out there other than a calcium reactor.
MAKE SURE you can test for ph, ca, and alka if you're going to add kalk (or anything).
how often should dripping kalk be done?
Follow the directions on the bottle, test your water. You've got to test your water if you add any chemicals to it.