Active Member
i just got back from the pet store and i bought 2 small maroon clownies. They seem to be a mated pair because they were in the same tank and they were swimming together and not bothering eachother at all. They would mostly hang hear eachother and seemed to enjoy the others company. I have been watching them for a while and they have been doing great. There isnt a nipped fin in the bunch (and by bunch i mean 2). The guy said they werent a mated pair, but he wasnt normaly a fish guy i dont think (id live at a local ish store i i had a car). There were also 2 perculas that seemed like they ight have been. They were swimming together and picking at this other clown (i made him switch the tank the poor little guy was in). But for future reference, how could i tell if the clown fishies are a mated pair?
i want an anenome for them, but i dont have the lightingjavascript:smilie('
i want an anenome for them, but i dont have the lightingjavascript:smilie('