How can you tell if a Finger Leather is DEAD?



I just got a finger leather at the LFS on Saturday and ever since I added him he is just drooping and shows no sign of life.. and by drooping I mean there is nothing stiff about him and he was brown in the store now he looks like a faded purple.
I under stand that Leathers do fall down for a couple of days but i dont know about the color and when to call it quits.
How can I tell if this guy is dead?


You can use a turkey baster and blow at the coral, if it starts to disintegrate
than you have a problem, you should only be able to blow off ditritus and any waxy coating the leather coral could have developed. The change in color is probably due to he change in the leathers position, as you said falling down and the state the leather is in, not being filled with water. Was the color change from the time you put it in your tank or when the coral started to decline. I guess what I am asking is are the lights different. I have noticed that sometimes when you move a problem leather to a location with moderate flow they purk up. Please send a pic.


Will do first thing tomorrow evening as soon as i get home from work.