How come my cleaner shrimp has been hiding for 2 weeks now?


about a 3 weeks ago, after she molted, i reorganized the rocks took out the mean domino damsel, and added a bunch of new fish and she has been hiding behind one of the rocks ever since..
it is the same side as she used to hang on to. could it be that she just prefers that side of the rock?
if that is the case, i will then just turn that rock around.
any ideas?


Active Member
It may just be checking out all your new fish. Some will stay hidden most of the time and only come out at feedings. Doesn't mean anything is wrong. Just the personality of that particular shrimp. In time it may come out more, or not.
Good Luck!


Active Member
okay, shrimp are very curious creatures but they are also very cautious creatures. WIth new fish they probably are scoping out the new pets and are wondering if they are safe. My cammel back shrimp did the same with my seahorse and my cleaner shrimp (i have taken care of the seahorses tankmates)...
However, my cammel back shrimp only hid for a day because at night it lurked about and by the time day came it was just like nomral... so i would just wait it out or try to put food to get it out from hiding. Maybe they are a litle more cautious than most, maybe they do like that side of the rock. i woudlt ry the food first...


my 3 cleaners (one preg female :D ) stay in their rock except for cleaning time eating time and night time, so I don't think your problem is too unusual but moving the rock may not be the answer either, he may just find a different place to hide.