i have one question, what are the problems asociated with a dsb??
answer: NONE
adn if you make a dsb, i definitely reccomend 4 to 6 inches
and lastly, i HAVE used cc, ugf, dsb, mix of ccc and sand, lr and without lr PERSONALLY
my opinion is lr with a dsb is the way to go, much easier, and is not unsafe at all, adds to filtration, needs no cleaning or stirring(in fact should no tbe), adds shelter and diversity to the ecosystem i have built, not to mention stability by housing much more bacteria and also nitrate reduction done NATURALLY AND EFECTIVELY
now to htat i will add that it can be done without, and if i had the tank established(if it aint broke, why fix it, plus changing can cuse problems too if not done cautiously and with lots of preparation to insure no problems), i would not touch it if there were no problems, but if it were a young tank(new) or empty, i would use a dsb
oh yeah, for cc, i would only use about 1 inch or less too if it were cc(add no more, unless you really want too for appearances, if you think it would look better)