How did everyone that was affected make out with the black out?


Active Member
Hi all,
I know alot of the member on board were hit in the black out, I was just wondering how everyone fared?
We we're without power for a little over 30 hours, finally after about 16 we we're able to get gas for our jenny.
We have one confirmed death in one of our tanks, my Niger trigger didn't make it, our reef is a mess, my poor pumpimg zenias really look bad, hopefuly they will recover.
In our 200, we almost lost our yellow tang and halfbalck angel, they we're looking pretty bad last night, but today seemed to be doing much better. I'm a little worried about my emporator angel though, he has been acting real weird and for the first time ever he is showing ick like spots on his fins, I'm hoping its just stress and he will recover, it would just about kill me to lose him, we've had him so long.
Anyway how did everyone else make it through. Lisa


Hi, You can look up the post" just got electricity back" i lost many critters from heat and no circulation. Saorry to u 2
We were without for about 24 hours. I have a generator though, THANK GOD!!!!!
Even with that, I left off the tank lights since they are a HUGE energy draw on the generator. Left pumps and powerheads on. Most things did okay, but colt and spaghetti looking tired. I also don't have the chiller hooked to the generator, but thankfully the temps didn't get too unbearably high.
Sure was a happy camper to get the power back! I had to work Thursday night (got dressed and put up 4 feet of hair using the braille system) and naturally everyone was on a vent (okay...not EVERYONE...but it seemed like it) and we were on emergency generator. A real pain in the neck. No AC or ventilation at all. Suffocatingly hot. Especially with all the equipment shoved into those critical care rooms that were up and running with no way to ventilate. Home Depot in the middle of the night delivered 200 portable fans to Cleveland Clinic (and University Hospital) to help ventilate said critical care rooms. God Bless Home Depot! They have my business from now on!


Active Member
i was out maybe 6 hours, i just ook my battery backup of my comp and plugged in my air pumps, no casualties


Active Member
I was without power for about 30 hours, and a little stirring of the tank with a big wooden spoon and blowing through an airline, and everything survived. No casualties!:)
Sorry for all those who did though:(


Phoenix & Fisherman I am curious of what you have for a generator backup? What are they and what did they go for??

reef fool

Active Member
BLUEBERRYBOOMER and MarineMarty sorry to hear of your losses. Blueberry, I hope that emperator makes it, as I told you before, my all time favorite angel. BEAUTIFUL fish...Best of luck.
Lost power here for 12 hours. I was very unprepared. I do have a generator I use for work, but I only had 1/2 a tank of gas available. I started it up after 4hrs and ran it for 1 1/2 hrs, turned it off for 3 hrs and back on for 1 1/2. then the lights came on an hour later. I just ran the main return pump, 2 powerheads, and my fridge. Heat wasn't too bad - 82.
My fish made it OK, but my colt is stressed out and my toadstool seems a little affected also. I feel lucky compared to some.
alsie , if your are just looking for a generator for your tank or a few lights, a cheaper one will do to run a few power heads. if you are looking to run stuff in your house, don't be cheap. A cheap generator (such as a Coleman) will eventually damage the electric motors in your appliances, TV's, A/C units. The gas engine may be good, but the generator is cheap and consistently gives mini surges of power (harmonic distortion) which will burn up your motors. If the harmonic distortion isn't listed in the specs, chances are, it is high!
I have had a couple of them and have spent between $600- $1800 for them. The $600 homelite is actually a piece of junk. The $1800 Yamaha is awesome and an investment well worth the $$.
Honda makes a great generator and some Generac's are good also. They are best when hooked up to an interface directly to your house circuits.


Active Member
Sorry about your loss. I do hope your emperator pulls through. I know how much he means to you. Good luck and I hope all the problems are over.


Active Member
Sorry to anyone who lost anything. We also have a Jenny, but only had 1/2 gallon of gas. Had to suck it out of our ridding mower til we could find somewhere to get some. What we had only lasted about 4 hours, we we're without for about 18 hours til we we're able to find a gas station open. We will be more prepared from now on, I have 3 gas cans full out in the shed for just that purpose now. Anyway, thankfully Empy seems to be ok, he is still showing alittle icky spots on his fins, but he is eating and acting more normal now. Thank God! I think if we lost him I would lose the desire to continue with this hobby. Total losses here are, 1 cleaner shrimp:(,our Niger Trigger:( and our Flame angel:( . The Xenias seem to be comming around nicely, again, some of you may remember that a while back they fell off the rock and the rock landed on them, I thought they we're a goner thenbut everything else in the reef seems to be ok too....Best of luck to all....Lisa


All right !!!! Great Dad you got to let you use some power when the lights go out. Thanks a lot for answering. Good luck.