How did you frame your canopy?


I have been looking at the thread tiltled "canopy pics" and there are some really great ideas there. I plan to start on my canopy this weekend but I have a few decisions left. I think I am going to frame it with a 1 X 2 and I would like to use pine. Does anyone think it will not be strong enough? What have you used to frame yours with and what size?


I've used Home Depot pine to build my own canopies, and they've worked fine. This even with a very fat calico cat that loves to sleep on the hood because it's nice and warm.
If the length of your canopy is more than 3 feet, then I would recommend that you remember to put a vertical brace in the center.
But, if you like to do your own stuff, using pine is probably the best, because you'll no sooner build it and install it on your tank before you'll think of a better design!