How did you poddy train your kids?


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My daughter's about 21 months old now and we are starting to think about poddy training. We have a baby seat that goes over the toilet and have been putting her on it. It doesn't bother her much but she has no idea what to do once she's on it. Anybody have suggestions on how to do this? How long does it generally take and how old were your kids when they were poddy trained?


books always say dont force them, bt if its a boy just put cherios in the bowl and tell him to hit them. if its a girl, you have to wait for her


Boys are usually harder than girls. My son was potty trained two weeks before he turned two. Tell her that the toilet is for big girls. Have a special surprise waiting if she does go on the big potty. It can be anything. I used 79 cent cars for my son. They sat in the bathroom. When he went on the potty then he got one. I eased it out to every two times, then every three, on to the big poo.... lol


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My daughter is off and on. Sometimes she tells us when she needs to use the potty sometimes she goes in her diaper. She'll be 3 soon but we aren't pushing it. All the advice we've gotten is that it will happen on it's own. I dunno? We've tried a lot of different things but I think she likes going in her diaper.


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Well I have this dog trainning collar and we put it around her neck. Every time she would go in her diaper... KAPLOWWW I would zap her.. only took about a week and now shes totally potty trainned. Of course she drools alot more than she ever did and slurs her words but the doctors say with time we will adapt to understanding her, along with the sign language classes she is taking now I am confident that our communication barrier will be broken.....
ok that was a joke.................

Actually she was totally potty trainned at 2, and she definatly did not enjoy a soiled diaper. And it really didnt take any trainning on our part, she was quite easy.


Active Member
oh goodness... crimzy you are really asking a lot of questions that i know i'm going to have to face in the future, and man the reality of stuff i gotta teach my future daughter is starting to settle on me....


Active Member
hey, also... i don't know your financial situation... but there are some manufacturers that make toilets for children. If you don't mind spending a couple hundred for a toilet that she will grow out of in a couple years it may be something to look at.


Active Member
getting her right on there is great IMO. For my daughter we just bought the old fashioned thick cotton "training pants". I let her run around for awhile......and just wait for the time to happen. We both would head for the bathroom and onto the potty. Late yes, the floor and her got wet a few times, but after that it took no time at all and she only had 1 accident. (she was playing with a friend and got distracted and waited too late)......heck that happened to a friend of ours at a football game.
Once she realized that she knew it was coming and could stop it and get to the bathroom.
Also, I took her and let her pick out some pretty "big girl pants" and she kind of saw those as the big prize at the end.
(the cheerio thing for boys is AWESOME, worked for us!!!)
Do you have the book Everyone Poops and Once Upon a Potty? Good books.


Active Member
Showing them what to do is a start, but what we did was place my son's feet in a bucket of water and he would go regulary...Since he's been trained and he's 5 now... he's gone on his self only once or twiceso I guess it worked


Active Member
We just let our kids figure it out for themselves when they are ready, pushing them sometimes is not the best thing, for either of you. My son(6) and my daughter(4) both were going on the pot by 3. If it is not a big deal, just let them do their own thing, they will when they are ready to. Now, pooping is a whole different story. Our littlest one(2.5), is now showing interest in being like his big brother, it does get a little easier, the more you have, IMO. Good luck.
PerfectDark that was too funny, I've been thinking of installing some shockers in the car for my kids, hook it up to the coils. HaHa



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Hey reno lesson one. Watch what you say in front of kids.
Last night my daughter dropped her water and said "Oh crap." Needless to say I got a spanking last night from my wife... not the good kind either.


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Originally Posted by earlybird
Hey reno lesson one. Watch what you say in front of kids.
Last night my daughter dropped her water and said "Oh crap." Needless to say I got a spanking last night from my wife... not the good kind either.

well... is any spanking from the wife a bad one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
oh goodness... crimzy you are really asking a lot of questions that i know i'm going to have to face in the future, and man the reality of stuff i gotta teach my future daughter is starting to settle on me....
Renogaw, you have much more immediate goals to worry about. (1) Sleeping through the night, (2) Holding her head up all by herself, (3) Sitting up, (4) pooping less than 10 times per day, (5) rolling over, (6) crawling, (7) walking, and (8) talking. Good luck with all that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Renogaw, you have much more immediate goals to worry about. (1) Sleeping through the night, (2) Holding her head up all by herself, (3) Sitting up, (4) pooping less than 10 times per day, (5) rolling over, (6) crawling, (7) walking, and (8) talking. Good luck with all that.

heck, i'm still dealing with the : paint the room (finally done woot
), setup the border, setup the crib and changing table, childproof the house, deal with the preggo wife...(no one told me her constantly increasing wardrobe was going to cost me more than my fish tank..)


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
heck, i'm still dealing with the : paint the room (finally done woot
), setup the border, setup the crib and changing table, childproof the house, deal with the preggo wife...(no one told me her constantly increasing wardrobe was going to cost me more than my fish tank..)
Just wait... she'll need a new wardrobe when she loses the weight because by then the styles will have changed.
I wouldn't worry about the childproofing quite yet... it will be 6 months before your daughter can roll over, much less get into anything. The preggo wife thing is probably the toughest part of the deal... maybe not the first time when everything's new but for subsequent children it's just miserable.


I just rubbed my puppy's nose in it, he eventually got the idea and started using the dog door. I'm sure you could apply this idea to a kid; considering they're about equal intelligence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
I just rubbed my puppy's nose in it, he eventually got the idea and started using the dog door. I'm sure you could apply this idea to a kid; considering they're about equal intelligence.
Good one.