How do Blennies and Shrimp Gobies Mix?


Will a Midas Blenny be compatible with a Shrimp Goby (yellow watchman, orange spotted, or blue & pink)?? Who should be added to the tank first?
I have a 95 gallon tank (not set up yet and therefore not cycled). It will have live rock and live sand and it will be a reef tank. I am working on my "eventual fish" list. It will be a friendly community tank. Other fish inhabitants will be two clown fish (false Percs) and possibly a fairy wrasse.
My tank is supposed to finally be delivered this weekend so I'll set it up and start cycling.
Way, way down the road, I'd like at add my last fish, a Mandarin (when I have copepods, etc). How do Mandarins fare with Bkennies and Gobies?

Thanks for your help!


Active Member
I have a mandarin and a orange spot goby in a 44 corner. sometimes when the mandarin gets close to the goby- the goby will open his mouth really wide and do a little 'display' I guess its his way of being 'aggresive' my goby has never fought or picked at my mandarin. When Mr.Goby does his little 'display' the mandarin doesnt even care, keeps swimming, and ignores the goby.
the goby was there first, so maybe hes 'territorial' but he doesnt have the guts to actually attack my mandarin. This is just my experience.


I have a yelllow watchman,a mandarin and a diamond goby and they all do well together. Everyone does their own thing and stay out of each other way,no problem with any of them.
I also have a couple of wrasse and they are great, my favorite fishes.


Thanks for the advice Shrimpi and BigBlue69.

BigBlue, we're neighbors. I live in Pleasanton. We just got a great new all saltwater fish store in Dublin (near Target) you should see.


this is crazy i was just about to post a thread asking if i could keep a bicolor blenny together with my orange spotted shrimpgoby, because in shape and everything they look the same but they say only one of each... anyways thanks!