How do fish sleep?



Hi again but i was really bord at home so i wanted to ask a strange question but how do fish sleep? ANY INFO WOULD HELP!THANKS. :D


SO THEY JUST REST IN A ROCK...HOW BORING IS THAT? i can not imagine resting all night. just gives me the willy's just thinking about it! :D


my hepatus tang wedges himself in the same spot between the back glass of the aquarium and a rock every night. sometimes i'll catch him just laying on his side in the bottom of the tank like he just got home from a long day at work and wants to kick back for a few moment..he's silly <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Thats very strange how they sleep. i just noticed that my powder brown tang swims through the rock just as if the lights were on! all the other tangs just hide. they like to sleep together withe the flame ange. its a cool site but there is a little "hut" it the back and they all (yellow eyed tang,blue tang, and the flame angle)seem to cuddle up together. how cute! :D


my gold strip clown always gets comfortable in his anemone and looks to me as if he falls asleep. I think he sleeps alot more comfortable than me. LOL The guy doesnt move all night. It is great


My clown seems to be very uptight at night. whenever i look at the tank at night he will get scared and start hiting his leather coral with his tail. i hate for him to be uptight about the leather coral dying but he wont get out of it. :( im trying to help but nothing works. my butterfly gets soo exited when i come in to watch. he finds watching me watch him is amusing at night! isnt that funny! :D


I have fish that sleep so sound nothing would wake them--and I have fish that appear to never sleep at all. I had a hippo tang that would totally lay on its side, flat as a pancake for hours. (imagine my dismay every morning for a while when he was new--I was sure he was either dead or dying but nope had that fish for almost 5 years.) My picasso wedges himself so tight in a piece of lr sometimes he actually comes out with scrapes. He is a lazy fish, at least till supper time. My queen angel never sleeps, once in a while she'll sit behind a rock but never for more than fifteen minutes, even at night I know this because we have a baby who is up half the night and she always seems happy to see us.


Its pretty funny how the fish sleeped. but when i first got my blue tang, it would sleep upside down drifting with the current. i thouhgt he was dead! NOPE! i've had him him for 5 months and know he sleeps with all of his buddies! :) :D


New Member
I have a valentini puffer in my fo and he turn's almost compleatly white, and just blends in with the rock work. sometimes i'll catch him at the top of the tank, lying verticaly on the glass. I feel there the coolest to look at while there sleeping


thats cool! :D i love looking at my corals all shrivled up at night. the onle thing that does not shrivle up is my tube anemone! he gets huge. :)


Well, my old cleaner wrasse, ( :( <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> ) would always sleep in a gross mucus bubble.. It looked just like a bubble.. I read into it and discovered that some fish would do this to keep thier scent from predators. Pretty cool.. I was told only the bigger wrasses did this though. Too bad I didn't know that most cleaner wrasses never survive in captivity for more then a couple weeks. :( R.I.P. Frootloops.


my false perc floats at the top of the tank on it's side in the back corner.
My yellow tang wedges itself between the back of the tank and the LR.
My flame hawk is alwys in the back of a cave in the LR, same place every night.
Baggai Cardinal, doesn't seem to sleep as it's always hunting for food at night especially around the return for the refugium.
In the past I had a picasso trigger that wedged itself head first into a hole in the rocks leaving only it's tail sticking out.
And the best one was a long nosed butterfly that slept upside down at the top of the tank. Really liked this fish but had to trade him in as he was nipping on the open brain.

jason weber

My false percula does the same thing, he floats at the surface in the back corner, and my six line wrasse find a crevice and forms a mucus bubble aroung himself


Thats soooo cool! any other weird ways fish sleep? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> :D


my maroon clown leaves his bubble coral and hangs just above it at the side of the power head. Maybe the noise and fibration of the motor puts him to sleep. :eek:


Active Member
Both my clown sleeo in the same anemone, and it almost completely engulgs them at night. Kinds odd looking. Looks like thje anemone want to eat them??? I do not think my yellow tang sleeps. I do not care what time it is. If I sneak a peak at night he is still swimming around like no big deal. But my angels on the other hand sleep in holes through out the rock.


I didnt know that clows go in bubble coral! mine tried going in there because his leather is dying :( and the bubble closed up on him. Fish are wierd when they sleep. ANY MORE WAYS YOUR FISH SLEEP? THANKS.
My blue tang wedges himself in between two rocks as soon as I turn off the light. My two clowns will just wedge themselves in a corner of the tank for a few hours. They don't sleep too long.