How Do I Add Live Sand


Does anyone know the best way to add sand to an established tank. I was thinking abot using a PVC pipe and pouring it down the pipe so that it wouldn't get scattered every where.
Thanks for the help!


The pvc pipe thing works well as long as it's dry sand. If you go with live sand that is wet it doesnt work very well. I just used a cup and filled it with live sand and sank it to the bottom and dumped it where I wanted it.


Bencc's idea thing sounds really good...however, I just added some semi-wet live sand I made through the PVC pipe and it worked like a charm. If you're patient adding just a little at a time, and don't mind the mess all over you (wear gloves) worked out so well that I had only one hour of cloudiness...and that was because a few times some sand slipped out of my hand, missed the PVC and went straight into the tank. Just turn the waterflow off in your tank, and keep the pipe low to the bottom of it....


If you dont mind me asking, why add live sand to an established tank, does it benifit in any way, and should i add some


I added a little bit more just for was a nice white sand I found and cured...also I didn't think it would hurt to have a slightly deeper sand bed than what I had before for biological reasons...