How do I cure live rock?


What equipment do I need to cure live rock? I am thinking about getting 10-20 lbs of live rock to add to my 80 gal tank but I know I need to cure it first.
Does the temperature need to be normal tank temps? I am wondering if I can set this up in my garage where it can get pretty cool at night (here in Texas even).


Krusk, I believe I need to keep the live rock in until after it cycles, i.e. until the ammonia spikes and nitrite spikes are complete.
Okay, please let me know what everyone thinks of this plan:
1) use the 10 gal tank
2) use water from the main tank (i.e. from water changes)
3) use air pump and air stone for circulation (will this be enough)
4) buy a heater for the 10 gal tank
Your comments please!


You need more circulation than an air stone, use a cheap powerhead if you can. Be sure there is room for the water to circulate around the rock with it in 10 gallon. Good Luck!! :D