Well I was hoping to avoid that question but since I’m leaving what have I got to loose?
After several months here I began to feel wrong about the forum. Then one day I came in and found hundreds of hits and responses to posts like “Where do you live”, “What do you do”, and “Off topic this or that”. Need I even mention Mr. Bubble and the connotation as to the direction the forum is taking when he gets that many hits/responses? Now don’t get me wrong that stuff is fun and I enjoy it as much as anyone else but at the same time I see very many posts that have legitimate requests for information getting 2 responses and the responses seem to be kind of “Party line” limp.
So I formulated a test. I got my new Salifert test kits in. I posted my problem (Algae) and the test results for Magnesium, Organics, Nitrate, Calcium, Ammonia, Phosphate, Iodide, KH, Alk, PH and Silicate. Listed Temp, S/G, tank size, all equipment, livestock and gave a 1 year history of the tank.
I thought it was a well thought out question. I then posted it to 4 separate forums this one included. It got two responses from new people on the forum here both saying to build a refugium (Thanks to both of you for taking the time to respond). No Shark responded to the post. I see too many people with legitimate request for help being ignored.
The other 3 forums and one in particular responded with the most helpful guidance I could have asked for. Ok I’m not trying to bitch and I am happy to have spent some time with many of the people on this forum. (I hope they all find the one I’m going to be at, it’s phenomenal.) It’s just that this forum is evolving and it’s going in a direction that’s not for me.