How do I delete my profile?


Click the my profile link at the top of the page, then click the orange <<View/Edit My Profile>> link that appears. Delete whatever you don't want and hit save.


Thanks for the response Musipilot. I knew I could delete that stuff. I'm really looking to delete the whole profile, User name, Password, the works. Can anyone help with that?

nm reef

Active Member
Not real sure how to answer your question but I am curious. Why do you want to delete your profile? Are you simply wanting to create a new one? If so just edit the current info. Or are you wanting to change your name from "guest" to something else? If thats the case I can check into how that may be done for you. I'm going off-line for the night but will check back for response in the morn.


I changed the profile from lore to guest when I was deleting all of my posts but that's not what I was after.
I'm just leaving the forum and wanted to clean up.


Well I was hoping to avoid that question but since I’m leaving what have I got to loose?
After several months here I began to feel wrong about the forum. Then one day I came in and found hundreds of hits and responses to posts like &#8220;Where do you live&#8221;, &#8220;What do you do&#8221;, and &#8220;Off topic this or that&#8221;. Need I even mention Mr. Bubble and the connotation as to the direction the forum is taking when he gets that many hits/responses? Now don’t get me wrong that stuff is fun and I enjoy it as much as anyone else but at the same time I see very many posts that have legitimate requests for information getting 2 responses and the responses seem to be kind of &#8220;Party line&#8221; limp.
So I formulated a test. I got my new Salifert test kits in. I posted my problem (Algae) and the test results for Magnesium, Organics, Nitrate, Calcium, Ammonia, Phosphate, Iodide, KH, Alk, PH and Silicate. Listed Temp, S/G, tank size, all equipment, livestock and gave a 1 year history of the tank.
I thought it was a well thought out question. I then posted it to 4 separate forums this one included. It got two responses from new people on the forum here both saying to build a refugium (Thanks to both of you for taking the time to respond). No Shark responded to the post. I see too many people with legitimate request for help being ignored.
The other 3 forums and one in particular responded with the most helpful guidance I could have asked for. Ok I’m not trying to bitch and I am happy to have spent some time with many of the people on this forum. (I hope they all find the one I’m going to be at, it’s phenomenal.) It’s just that this forum is evolving and it’s going in a direction that’s not for me.


Active Member
well, if you must leave, jsut do so, no one wil use your profile
we do wish you would stay, and on behalf of all those present(99% anyway), most of us here do read the goofy and off topic posts, and a very large percentage read othere psots as well, i used to read every post put up, and drecently had a problem conflicting with work which had prevented me from doing it as mcuch, but i am still here and do go through most when i have time, others are the samde, BUT anyhow, many of us do read them and most of us will post a response, if we feelw e can, sometimes we feel as if we don't have a very good answer, or feel it has ben covered well enough that elaborating more would just be that(and maybe even senseless) in fact we have also had some who jus tpost to post, no matter what is said they just agree(evne if it may be wrong) just to rack up thier posts so it seems, and unfortunaetly if i were you or any other member needing help, i would be glad that those peoplee did not reply when i needed help(personally)
anyhow, just bear in mind, sometimes nto everyone has an answer that you want or need so sometimes it may not get answered or answered alot or even answered right away
AND please leave your posts, if they are any good or even bad, i am sure they can help othere members some time that need assistance(some do use the search feature on this board too) since these posts remain and can be referred to as often as all need


First, I'm a little confused--you say that you enjoy the ot's but are leaving due to them??
Second-as far as the legit posts that go unanswered--well,
A -sometimes people just don't know
B- sometimes even though sharks may go through them, if they feel a damsel or whoever has answered appropriately, why would they bother replying again?
C-when I did moderate, I wound up feeling responsible for every single post, if I didn't know I'd go research it. As you can imagine it became a full time job. (although I did learn alot) No one can or should feel that way, this is a hobby people have lives to live outside of their tanks.
D-for as many ot's as there are there are at least twice as many great informative posts, with good debates with MUCH to learn in each. Odds are just reading lots of other posts you will wind up inadvertantly finding your own answers.
E- I disagree as far as leaving that many posts go unanswered-or are you referring to post unanswered by SHARKS in which case you are placing way to much value on status. There alot of knoweledgable people here and to disregard there reply's based on their rank you'll be missing out. (I think I've voiced my opinion on that a time or two or ten) Most I see have at least 3 replys. Especially considering most questions are relatively basic. If I personally am in a hurry I'll run down the list to check anything that has less than 3 to ensure at least they get some help. I think most people would say they've gotten the help they needed although that may be a great topic for a poll.
Lastly I do believe you should leave your stuff so someone else can learn from your posts.
Good Luck to you in finding what you are looking for. :)
I have visited the BB you are going to, at your suggestion I might add (from a previous post you did). I found that BB to be uncomfortable. I am not a Newbie nor am I experienced. All of their forums start out with instructions on who should post in that forum.
Truthfully I felt it was kind of "snooty"
I still visit there hoping I can learn something, but I rarely post there.
I also visit the BB at
Is there a reason you cannot participate in more than one BB?