How do I detach my soft coral?


I am getting a new tank in a couple of days and I just noticed that my coral has attached itself to multiple rocks. Im not sure I can move the rocks with it attached like this. Is there a process to detach it so I can move thing to the new tank?


Active Member
Most soft corals will grow back from cutting, ripping, biteing, ect. Many people frag them buy cutting in half, quarters, all branches and attaching each peice to new rocks.. Might want to just frag it now. Will take a while for it to grow back in were it looks more natural but other choice is to cut close to the one rock you choose like jj said or try and chip the rock under it.
Got a photo ?


Active Member
Ah, xenia, Want hurt it a bit, just cut right in the middle of it, they both will grow into new branches. Thats how they spead, One day it may take over compleatly.
Looks Nice.


Active Member
Yep, just cut in the middle of the strand going between the rocks, snip, done. They will shrink up as a reaction but will open back up in a couple hours or the next day and be fine.


Active Member
I recently moved a rock that had a part of the xenias stalk attached to it. Didn't realize it at first so it just ripped off and left a small 1/4' piece on the rock. In 3 days that spot sprouted what must be 15 tiny polyps.
So in summary, no worries!


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about a thing! They're very tough....They like a little bit of phosphates though, better then none. :happyfish