How do I do a Water Change?


If you don't have a vacum use a cup. Just don't take out to much. And hopefully it isn't huge 9 bigillion gallon tank cause that would take forever. :hilarious


Active Member
You'll be taking out 10% of the total water volume of your tank .... just siphon it out and replace it with the same amount. Be sure the specific gravity and temp is as close to what's in your tank as possible.


Active Member
It is also best to mix your replacement saltwater 24 hours prior to adding it to the tank. Be sure to put some means of circulation into the container like an airstone, powerhead, or filter.


Originally Posted by troyw806
If you don't have a vacum use a cup. Just don't take out to much. And hopefully it isn't huge 9 bigillion gallon tank cause that would take forever. :hilarious

Use a power head with a hose...... for those Big 10% water changes


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
It is also best to mix your replacement saltwater 24 hours prior to adding it to the tank. Be sure to put some means of circulation into the container like an airstone, powerhead, or filter.

What would a means of circulation accomplish? Is this to mix the water or for another reason?
My reason for asking is because my wife and I purchase our water every week and let it sit until we need it. Should I be circulating the water? Also I have finished plumming my auto top off unit and going to set it up this weekend. It will be a 50gal container that will be pumping to top off my tank should I be circulating this as well? It will be RO/DI water that we will purchase and put in the top off container.


Active Member
Like pbienkiewi said, circulating it keeps the salt suspended in the water rather than letting it settle. Also, as hobbyists we generally do 5-20% water changes which are REALLY large when you consider that are tanks are a microcosm. We need to circulate the water for 24 hours to get it aerated to lessen the traumatic impact on all the critters.


Ok so I should not buy water on Monday and change on Saturday. Well there goes the system I was using. LOL. I will figure something else out.


You can use the top off system. It is going to put the Ro/Di water in to top it off... You are not adding salt to the top off water right ??? Invest in a Ro unit. I bought a 200gal a day and have it under my sink.. I love it. I have water when ever I need it


Nope just RO/DI (with added PH buffer) for the top off. However I also usually store on hand about 30gal of salt water to use for water changes I never thought it would need to be circulated now I know.


Active Member
You can store your saltwater, just put an airstone in it. Pretty inexpensive but still effective. I don't really see a reason to store your saltwater more than 24 hour though, but we all have very different schedules I guess, hehe.


I mix 5gal at a time in a bucket, I shoot for 24-72 hours before the anticipated change.
I use a spare heater and power head.
Anymore I don't do more that 20% at once, I suspect it's gentler to do a smaller percentage more regularly. One advantage of a small set up it that a 5gal bucket is 20%.