How do I get my ammonia down?


I added 10 snails and 10 hermits and a percula clown yesterday, so I am assuming that is the reason my for my ammonia spike.
I was wondering on how I get this down?
Also my damsels and my clown get along great I cannot wait to get him a mate


Active Member
spike???(or just go up some, a spike is a high reading)
your tank should be cycled by now, isn't it?
if not, it must complete
if so, water changes,
also, did you recently have a loss, or add alot of stuff, snails should not do that, or even if you stirred the sand


my ammonia is .25 but I fed my fish this morning and they did not eat. So i would say I have alot of uneaten flakes in the bottom.
This is my seventh week on my tank and I think it is cycled I am seeing green algae everywhere.
Will the ammonia eventually go down?


Active Member
did your amonia go ot zero or not, and same with the nitrites?
if not, you didn't finish
and if there is a lot of uneaten food, you need to cut back


Active Member
careful - slow down a bit - you may be pushing your biofilter too quickly. Probably by the time you read this your ammonia spike should be over. but if it's not look for a dead animal somewhere.