how do i get rid of Aptasia??????


Ive got 4 of these little buggers growing on a piece of my LR and I need to know a way to get them off. any suggestions? is there a chemical i can buy to put in the water? do i need to get a special fish or invert that likes to eat them? or?
Id like to take care of this before more of them pop up...


get a pair of peppermint shrimp or you can use calsium to inject into it or lemon juice or jos juice with a syring


i have kept the 2 together before in a small tank but someone else might have an experience were they didnt, but for me they were fine


Active Member
Peppermint will be just fine with both Fire and Skunk Cleaner shripms. If you have only 4 (that you can see), I'd probably just use Joes Juice and get the curved tips for the syringe. I put first 4 Peppermints into a 150g reef and they did nothing, then I added 3 more and 2 weeks later them guys ate all aiptasia and left my one majano.


If you only have a few inject the mouth with lemon juice through a small tip syringe. Works well


Active Member
Kalkwasser (Joe's juice) works well and can be made from items found at the grocery store. Just need Mrs Wage's pickling lime and some saltwater from your tank. Boil the saltwater and mix one part pickling lime with two parts boiling water to make a paste let it cool and use a syringe to apply some to the oral disk. Make sure you shut all of your pumps of before you start and leave them off for about 20 minutes after you finish also be sure you don't jab the aiptasia with the syringe just hold it right above the aiptasia and let the past fall onto the aiptasia and it should ingest it on its own.