I have a new tank (7 days old), and I have calcium deposits all over the glass, and I think (but not positive) all over my base rock as well.
The basics:
Tank size - 29 gal biocube
Type - 2 Damsel Fish with live rock
Status - Still cycling and I'm waiting for my live rock or live sand to start growing something (hopefully purple?) or spread something to my base rock.
Water perameters- pH = 8, Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrate = 0
Salinity - 1.025
Temperature - 79
I was trying to buffer the water with Seachem Marine buffer and I got huge calcium buildup all over glass.
1.The question is how to raise the pH without turning the tank white from excess calcium buildup?
2. I think a pH of 8 isn't ideal...or is it okay if it's a fish/live rock only type of aquarium?
3. If there is is calcium build up on the base rock or live rock should I try to get it off, or just leave it alone?
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4. Will the calcium build up hurt the two yellow tail Damsels in there?
5. I was advised to use a straight razor (very carefully so as not to scratch the glass) to get the stubborn calcium deposits off the inside glass of the aquarium. Is there any problem with this?
6. Can I scrape the calcium deposits off the sides with out harming my fish? They've been in the tank for only two days now, and I don't want to stress them out.
7. Would a protien skimmer help get all of the loose calcium particles out of the water once I start scraping it off, or will the filter take care of it?
Thanks for all of your help!!!
The basics:
Tank size - 29 gal biocube
Type - 2 Damsel Fish with live rock
Status - Still cycling and I'm waiting for my live rock or live sand to start growing something (hopefully purple?) or spread something to my base rock.
Water perameters- pH = 8, Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrate = 0
Salinity - 1.025
Temperature - 79
I was trying to buffer the water with Seachem Marine buffer and I got huge calcium buildup all over glass.
1.The question is how to raise the pH without turning the tank white from excess calcium buildup?
2. I think a pH of 8 isn't ideal...or is it okay if it's a fish/live rock only type of aquarium?
3. If there is is calcium build up on the base rock or live rock should I try to get it off, or just leave it alone?
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4. Will the calcium build up hurt the two yellow tail Damsels in there?
5. I was advised to use a straight razor (very carefully so as not to scratch the glass) to get the stubborn calcium deposits off the inside glass of the aquarium. Is there any problem with this?
6. Can I scrape the calcium deposits off the sides with out harming my fish? They've been in the tank for only two days now, and I don't want to stress them out.
7. Would a protien skimmer help get all of the loose calcium particles out of the water once I start scraping it off, or will the filter take care of it?
Thanks for all of your help!!!