how do i get rid of it?


i have brown algae growing on in my 7 gallon tank. its on the glass and on the live rocks. I have two clown fish (perc)and one cleaner shrimp. what is the best way to rid my tank of the brown algae? any organisms out there that eat that?


Active Member
Brown algae most of the time, not always, is diatoms. Does it look like a dust or thin film? Is your setup a newer setup, less then 4 months old? If so odds are it is diatoms you are referring to.
Diatoms are common in newer setups and require silicates to survive. If no more silicates are added to the system they will eventually die off.
To speed the process remove the diatoms as much as possible as the dieing ones will add silicates back into the water.