How do I get rid of Rock Anemones? help!


New Member
I got a few Aiptasia, Triffid or Rock Anemones that hitched on live rock form the Caribbean. I understand that they can really inflict nasty injury (sting, burn) to unsupecting fish and reproduce at rapid rates becoming a real plague. I can't just pick them out because as soon as anything goes near them they immediatelly retract to their rock crevice and simply vanish. Any advice from you Pros will be greatly appreciated.
I can't remember where I read this (probably on this board), but it worked for me. I took some of my liquid calcium additive, nuked it in the microwave till it started to boil, put it in a syringe with a needle on the end. I then sprayed it along the tentacles of the anemone. It retracted a little. Then with about half the syringe left I quickly jammed the needle into the anemone and injected the remaining calcium. It really tried to retract then. I was trying to inject into the stalk, but think I really got it more in the head of the anemone. I'm no expert, but I did this about 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen any sign of it since. Mine was pretty big though and thus easier to inject. The little buggers would be tougher. Best of luck.


Active Member
I have a very unorthodox method for dealing with these pesky little SOB's. I inject tabassco!!! I know it sounds crazy and all, but it was some advice I got from a old friend and it worked like a champ.


New Member
OK, thanks guys - I'll try the cacium first and then the Tabasco, DO you do these injections in the water, or take the rock out and do it outside?