How do I get started


New Member
Hey Anthem I hear you have the goods and knowledge of what i need to get started will you help me? I have a 75 gal tank and I want to get a shark any kind what do you suggest I do to get started and what kinda shark do you suggest thanks


Well I am not going to speak for Anthem, but I think that he will agree that a 75 gallon is too small for any shark. My .02


A 75 is too small for any shark. There are a few sharks that can live in 125 gallons but are usually harder to find than the bigger kinds.

jordan 150

i think that you can keep a banded cat shark for a lil while. I know 75 gallons isnt big enough long term but the fact is most pet stores keep them in like 5 gallon or 10 gallon display tanks so 75 gallons is alot compared to that but make sure you know where it can go when you have no more room.


My lfs keeps them in ponds and wont let you take one home to anything smaller than a 100 with a recomendation that a 270+ be set up or a pond be built within a year.