How do i mix the right amount of LS and LR?

reef dude

Hey guys, its Dave again, once i get the filtration all set, the next step would be to add LR and LS. Whats the best ratio of LS to just regular sand? and when can they all go in the tank?


Active Member
Hi Dave,
There are different opinions on the sand ratio, here is mine, we used 20%live to 80% dead, it has worked out great for our 200. Live rock the normal ratio is 1 1/2 - 2lb per gallon. We added our lr and sand to the tank just before we added the water, we put a plate on the sandbed and gentley poored the water in... Once your tank is established, the sand and the rock make awesome filtration. Good Luck! Lisa :)

nm reef

Active Member
wellhowdy blueberry!!!
Dave I agree pretty much with the 20% live-80% dead mix. Thats close to mine. I'd also suggest you look at assorted grain sizes...some say one size....some say only fine.....I used several types of carib sea sands and natures ocean LS in my great.


Active Member
Well Howdy yourself, NM reef! How have you been?
Congrates on the shark status! I haven't been posting to much, haven't had any problems with any of the tanks, but I do alot of reading on here every night. I get a few giggles too, oh my some of the people that find this board...What a hoot! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> Congrates again! :D Lisa <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />