how do i perform a water change?


Active Member
drain out 5-7 gallons from your tank and replace it with the same amount of premixed(24 hours ahead) water that is the same temp as the tank water you are replacing.
it is really that simple


Active Member
I didn't mean to insinuate that you were slow,,,,I was just stating it in very basic terms and making it as simple as possible....I think that some folks make things harder than they need to be.
The fact is, is that it is good that you are asking and making it easy to do. The easier it is to perform a task, the more likely you are to do it.
I have my setup on my 180 so that I can do a 25 gal water change from start to finish, by myself in about 5 minutes with no bucket carrying, which means that it is easy for me to do my weekly water changes.
keep on asking and some one will always be on here to answer....have a good day

sinner's g

It helps to have the water airated, use a power head. I've never used a heater because my room temp is same as tank temp, most of the time. In summer, it's higher, so I add a little at a time. Check the levels of the water before adding it to the main tank. Make sure sg, ph, ect are the same. If you have a lot of money in your tank, or want to be extra careful, test the other stuff (alk, calc, ect) with each new bag/box of salt you use.
I've figured out it helps to keep water mixed on hand. Just keep a covered bin or bucket somewhere, with a ph in it.