Originally Posted by
This post confuses the hell out of me.
And Whitey...here's the deal.
I'm kinda buzzed, right now...been out, drinking with my friends. Living my lonely life, cause I'm "just a kid with a fish tank, and little beyond that".
The way I see it is you dont post here really, other than to follow me around and post negative things about me.
Are you that obsessed with me? I kinda like the fan club though...dont get my wrong.
I'm home, alone tonight...my girlfriend isnt here. Since you seem to like me so much, would it be ok if I emailed you my number. Maybe you could answer the phone and breath heavy on the phone for me or something?...I need some lovin'. I'm know I'm reaching, but it seems that you are so concentrated on me (for whatever reason) that it would be worth a shot...
Wadda ya say? I'm here...waiting...see...
Nice rebound aw2.....it was great, my thought is keep giving the advice you give it saves people alot of money and hurt because there fish are sick......And someday when i need advice i will be calling on you.....hmmmm should be shortly.
p.s dont let these people run you off i like havein ya around.