How do I raise Ocellaris Clown babies?


New Member
I have had 4 Ocellaris Clowns for about 3 weeks and one has laid eggs. How do I ensure the babies stay alive? I ordered Rotifers to get started, but have no idea what to do, etc.


Do a search for threads by a user named TSL. I forget the actual thread name but he had a very detailed thread on how to do it. Another good source of information would be book titled Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson. Good luck.
or you could look for bang guy's threads i think the first was called clownfish eggs then it went to little nemo, i'm pretty sure he explains the process too (reef tanks)
or you could look up tsl's thread (just started to read it and there is more detail of the greenwater, rotifers, etc.)