There's no reason it wont work for you, as long as you can find a control to use to judge it by. Also you will need to check this from time to time by comparing to a control. This could be as simple as taking a small amount from your tank,(say a pint or small bottle full anyways.) determining what SG it is, then labeling it and saving it. Refractometers are used for a wide range of uses. Including the medical field. If a lab grade hydrometer is acceptable, then I say this refractometer would be. It doesn't matter what it's been exposed to, you're not going to be exposing your tank to it. Just dripping drops from the tank onto it.
Also,is that measuring your tank water? If so that's probably reading 36 ppm, or relatively 1.027 I say compare it and see. You can easily find a chart to convert SG to PPM. google specific gravity to salinity, first link.....