how do i take care of this?


New Member
i just purchased some marine plants today. i bought some iron to put in the water to. what i was wondering is, how should i put them on the liverock with the rubber band. i just put a clump of them together and put a ruber band around the live rock and held them on that way. will that give them enough of a chance to anchor themselves into the rock? the iron i put in the water, will it hurt the fish? are these plants hard to take care of?
and off the subject, it seems like i'm adding water to my wet dry system ever day, is this normal? can this water really evaporate this fast? i fill it to the line the box says that says "water line." but it seems like half and inch depth of water can be gone in a day. what's going on or is this normal? thanks for all of the advice.

mr . salty

Active Member
What kind of plants are we talking about? I hope they are SALTWATER. And YES,Water does evaporate that quick.I usually add almost a gallon a day in my setup.


New Member
oh yeah, they're salt water plants. they have long stems and from them run off little stems and around these small stems are hundreds of little "leaves." i don't know the name but that's how they look.


I add at least a gallon a day in the winter to my sump. In the summer it has been up to 3 gallons a day. Don't worry, when I fisrt set up my tank, I thought for sure I had a leak somewhere. It turned it was just evaporation. LOL


New Member
hey sammy, i think it may be the other way around unfortunatly. the plant is slowly loosing it's color. the leaves are going from green to loosing a 100%of their color and becoming clear and falling off. are they dying? the plant is one which i just rubber banded to my live rock. each small stem of the plant is around 6 or 7 in long. then from these stems comes out small extensions covered with very small leaves lining the intire length of the extension. can anyone tell me what they think this type of plant might be. the best way to describe it is that it looks just like a minature furn, but aquatic. i've looked on the internet everywhere and there aren't many photo's of marine plants so the choice can't be to great. so can anyone help??


Instead of looking for marine plants, look for "calurpa" or "macroalgae". Its probably a type of calurpa, and I would have to guess its dieing becasue the rubber band was to tight. IF you get more, bury it directly in your substrate, or put inbetween 2 rocks to anchor it. I dont remember seeing any type of calurpa that looks like a fern, but look around searching for those key words instead.
If its gone pale or white all over, get it out, its dead and can release nitrates and toxins it absorbed back into the water.


Trey...what exactly do you do!?!? Everytime you post I feel as if I'm watching the Discovery Channel. How do you know this stuff? *He's probably sitting behind an entire set of Encyclopedia "Marinnica" or something. (that's a take on Encyclopedia Britannica for all of you slow people out there)* You don't know all of this stuff you liar, you!!! What are you hiding!?! lol....just kidding. :D DO you know this stuff? Do you look it up...tell us the truth ;)


New Member
trey, thanks very much for the advice, but is it true that my rubber bands could be to tight also? and by the way, do i need any certain type of lighting inorder for my lr to flourish or will it be ok with just my bulb i have from pet co that's not made for coral growth????


25 years of make me sick. lol :D The guy at the local lfs has been in it for 25 years also...and I don't even think he knows what saltwater is. Needless to say, I envy and admire you. Very impressive knowledge! :)


25 years of make me sick. lol :D The guy at the local lfs has been in it for 25 years also...and I don't even think he knows what saltwater is. Needless to say, I envy and admire you. Very impressive knowledge! :)


yes I have been searching again and dredging out old post - hey they are all new to me..
What aquarium do you work at Trey?


Active Member
trey works at the gulfarium in fort walton, florida. its a pretty cool place. kinda old though. ive been there more times than i can count. i got to pet some dolphins there once :D . bo


Denise I just wanted to say that I am glad You are going back and digging up old posts is good for rookies like Me... thanks


misty, either you or your fish could be dead by now. but I couldnt help notice while searching for macroalgae that you are in austin. I live in south austin and Im wondering if the person in at the LFS happens to be aqua dome. if it is.. This guy is very different. but he is a good person that takes care of his customers and has some great fish and good prices to boot. but. if not. i want to know who else is selling sw fish so I can check them out. and plese dont tell me you shop at petsmart.. THX. :D