how do i use frozen brine shrimp?


I was at the LPS and asked what i should be feeding my brittle star and the guy there said he uses frozen brine shrimp, so i bought a package. Its alot of 1/2" cubes so when i got home i thawed a part(1/4) of one is some salt water and then dumped that into the tank, well there were hundreds of them in there and they were all over, I think some were even possibly alive. but is that all i do? Is it recomended by anyone else. to me it seems like a very messy way to feed and i cant really remove whats now eaten like if i used shrimp pieces or scallops, like ive heard others use. help please


New Member
I have a couple of starfishes and dont really feed them. They are scavengers and will eat stuff off the bottom.


Active Member
For a brittle star I would use meaty items like small hunks of seafood put near wherever it hides. Brine shrimp is really like junk for saltwater animals anyway. Also for feeding frozen I rinse it out in freshwater, than add some selcon and add a small amount at a time to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mja8761
I have a couple of starfishes and dont really feed them. They are scavengers and will eat stuff off the bottom.
Brittles shouldn't be left to scavenge.
You could mix a thick variety of meaty foods and spot feed it with a syringe and gently squirt some in front of it.....might do the trick.


Active Member
I feed frozen silversides to my serpent star. Whenever I feed frozen food to my tank, I thaw it out first. Get yourself a brineshrimp net, it is very fine netting. Put the frozen food inside and then rinse(thaw) under warm water. Then put the food in your tank. I put about 3 or 4 different cubes in my tank. You will have yo determine how many you need to feed your tank. When I feed silversides, I break off about 8 pieces of fish, thaw them and then feed to tank.