How do I ??


How do I add live sand to an established tank so that worms, micro stars, copepods, and amphipods can become established part of the bed? I have several fish (yellow tang, 2 tomato clowns, 2 percula clowns, 2 domino damsels, 1 sgt major damsel, 1 three-striped damsel, 2 scooter blennies, 1 bi-color angel, 2 hermit crabs, 2 snails). I am thinking about buying ls from, but don't want to waste my money if the pods will become food before they can establish themselves.
Any ideas?


I have 10lbs of lr in my 80 gallon tank. I would like to add more, but have not been able to. We started the tank with 20lbs of ls, and bunch of "dead" sand and crushed coral leftover from a previous tank.
I have alot of base (dead) rock and several dead decorative peices of corals/whatnot.


Active Member
one thing that may help is to add them in the dark,and keep light low for a week or 2, tha tis what they reccommend to do with detrivore kits, not sure if it works, but they are stilll reccommending it


detrivore kit? Would this be better to add? detrivore kits or ls? Which one? Better not say both :D


Active Member
ooooooooops. i opened a can of worms, LOL, in your case, i would probably use the ls, at least this way, the critters have the cover of the sand that you are adding, while being introduced, instead of just adding them, in fact, i wasn't even thinking about that when i replied to your other post, calling them a smorgasborg, that will help them to get into the tank, just dumping them directly into the water would make them an immediate target, ya know what i mean