how do these fish sound for my 24 cube


Active Member
do these sound good for a 24 cube feel free to tell me what to add or take out im looking for options. so i would like 2 o. clowns,1 mandarin fish,1-2 bangaii cardinals, 1 neon goby,1-2 shrimp please suggest a kind or cleaner,1 maxima clam,2 blue leg hemit, a small anemone
thanks connor


Active Member
would about a fire fish could i keep all these fish if not which ones should i keep, i love mandarins


your mandarin will starve in about 9 months
What kind of lighting do you have. and you should wait a couple months before putting the anemone in


Active Member
not sure about lighting but the lfs has a ton of coral and an anemone, so those fish will be fine in it


Active Member
if i dont get the mandarin could i get the fire fish, would a black perc & a true perc be better than the o. s i like them better and want them more


Active Member
you cant mix clown species. you have to have really good lighting for anenomes. your mandarin will die in less than 9 months id say. in a 24, it be a matter of a couple months. so dont get one. i think the tank would be ok with a fire fish, 2 occ. clowns, and a neon goby.


Do not get the madernie it will only die....u need planty of live rock, which is about 70-100 pounds. i would get the firefish, they are fantastic, i love my pair of purple firefish, just remember that they are jumpers and u will need to cover the lid with egg crate or glass.
btw if u get the firefish i would make sure he is the first fish added, this will allow him to setup his home and then when more fish are added there will be less chance of him jumpin out of ur tank as he can retreat to his hideout. there will also be less aggresion placed on him by new fish.
Good luck and its excellent to see u researching before buying :D


Yeah i did the same before i started. so far i have only had a few losses..... a starfish, two suicidal fish and a hunger strike by another. so i have been pretty lucky so far with no really bad events takin place.
i hope the same for u, keep researching and u will minimise things that could go wrong.


Remember, 1" of fish for every 5 gallon's, so you could probably get away with 5 inches of fish. Nano's fill up with waste a lot faster, so you're going to have to really stay on top of water quality if you try to over crowd it.
I'd go with pair of clowns and either a firefish or a cardinal. Definately nix the manderian, I lost my scooter, same family of fish, just recently due to not having the correct dietary needs.
I believe you'll need MH for the claim, so you may want to reconsider it. Anenomies after six months of set up, they need good water quality and lighting too.
As for a cleaner shrimp, my peppermint is a hoot. He comes to the front of the glass and watches me and is always one of the first to come out when I feed.


Active Member
ok heres my new list no clam
would about 1 percula clown 1 bangaii 1 fire fish 1 purple firefish 1 neon goby (dont neons have like no bioload almost would they make a big difference) i will do an anemone could you people suggest some for my cube. i think i will get a cleaner shrimp. and are there any good corals for a nano? :)


Active Member your fish list if you absolutely need an anemone then get a condi all softies and most lps should be fine!!!


Unless the clam is a baby...don't get one unless you have MH. Young clams feed on meaty foods like Mysis or silverslides...when they get older they become purely photosynthetic and will require MH to survive and thrive.


I hate to say this, I'd still cut back one of the larger fish. I'd cut the bangii or the firefish. I love the look of the purple firefish. You're probably right about the neon gobi not causing much bio load so no problem with keep it.
Just to let you know, I've got a 37 gallon with 70lbs of LR and I've got one clown, one yellow tailed damsel and a thompson damsel. I'll only be adding one more fish, probably a blenny or gobie of one kind and stopping at that. I've been told I can push it one more fish since I have so much live rock, but I'm not willing to chance the stability of my tank.


A little off topic, but where can you get egg crate from anway? I am trying to setup a 75 that is going to just be jawfish and banghai cardinals and I want to make sure the jawfish stay in the tank. They seem to have a real problem with that.