how do u add Kalkwasser????


How do u add this stuff if u dont have a wet dry?? i know u r supposed to drip it in but use fluvals. is it ok to just mix it in some water and then put it in???

nm reef

Active Member
Not a good idea to mix & dump kalk. The ph of the kalk mix is near 12(systems are around 8.3) the shock to the system would likely cause problems. Is it possible to rig some sort of drip system that you could put in place over night. When I first started a drip I used 2 500ml iv bags that I hung from the wall and that worked for a while. Now I drip into the refugium via 3 homemade 1 gal containers...its in a room behind my display.


Active Member
Kalk reactor maybe the answer for your question. Other name for this piece of equipment is Nilsen reactor. Do the search in the internet for DIY plans. There are a lot of them, but they are pretty much same.

sinner's girl

I can tell what I've been doing...
I mix 1/2 gal of the stuff (I never use a full gl in a week b/c I never remember to add the stuff). when I think about it (a few times a day, maybe once or twice then skip a day...)I add some to the tank. I don't add much, maybe about two shots worth (trying to come with something measureable).
So, if you don't make a drip, just mix up a gal and add some a few times a day.
I had planned on making a drip but never got around to it...maybe this summer...


Active Member
I dose kalk once every 7-10 days or so. I mix up 4.5 gallons of water like I was doing a normal top-off. Let the water sit for an hour. Then I add about 4 teaspoons of kalk (that's the right amount for my tank), stir it up, cover it, and let it sit over night. In the morning I take the top off, and let it sit for 1-2 hours. I put the bucket on top of my tank and use small tubing (the stuff made to be used as an air hose) to siphon it into my tank. I make sure to add it right in front of one of my stonger powerheads. It takes about 1.5-2 hours to add the whole 4.5 gallons, and my fish never seem bothered by it.