how do u frag a bubble coral?


i have one peace just one head its about the size of a tennis ball but i want o frag it and make more. how do i go about doing this and how risky is it i havent fraged anything i get the basics of it. how fast dose it grow?


Active Member
a bubble probably its a good starter frag. i asked reefkprZ about it one time and even he said it was tricky. you have to saw them in half and be really really careful so the dont get an infection. also, in my own personal experience, if and algae grows on the exposed skeleton, its all downhill from there.


ok thats sounds like a pain the butt how do they reproduce in the wild? and if i was to do this how long dose it take to heal its self?


Active Member
of all the things to frag, I think bubble coral, elegance and wall hammer should be avoided. They too often get infections and you lose both pieces, the frag and the mother. If you want to experiment with fragging, try some shrooms and zoas
Good Luck, if you DO frag it please post your experience!


Active Member
I got a bubble coral frag from a guy near me who just takes a dremel to his, another lady in my club does the same with hers. It looked rough when I got it and some flesh fell off, I thought it was going to die but it made it fine. I guess it's kind of a pain because the skeleton grows too slowly to keep up with much fragging.