how do u get plankton???

d0 thy d3w

appearntly sum animals eat plankton,phytoplankton etc...does it occur naturally in your tank? or do u gotta buy it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
appearntly sum animals eat plankton,phytoplankton etc...does it occur naturally in your tank? or do u gotta buy it?

I have seen people culture it but it is difficult and time sonsuming. You can buy DTs at the LFS. It will not naturally occur in your tank.

d0 thy d3w

explain to me what u mean by DT's...when i think of DT i think "display tank"...sorry for the inconvienence..<spelling?)


Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
explain to me what u mean by DT's...when i think of DT i think "display tank"...sorry for the inconvienence..<spelling?)
"DTs PhytoPlankton" is a product that the LFS should sell. It is a green liquid of concentrated Phytoplankton. I use it about every 3-4 days in my tanks.
Phytoplankton is a fancy word for micro algae.Have you ever had that dusty green stuff on your glass that wipes of easily.The only reason you can see it is because is so concentrated.The DT Phytoplankton,me thinks is the best but I have use Kent Marine Phytoplex also.
Some corals feed on zooplankton also,DT also sells a phytoplanton/oyster egg mix.


Active Member
you dont really need phytoplankton unless you have leathers and other filter feeders.
phytoplankton are the microscopic plant like single and multicellular organisms that utilize photsynthesys. they are usually the smallest and simplest of the plankton world, are fed upon by a variety of larger plankton and other animals like corals, whales, etc. they are found in the top 3 feet of all the worlds oceans and where the first and still are the most prolific oxygen producing organisms on the planet.
Originally Posted by renogaw
so not good enough for say zoos or other softies?
They may get some benefits from the dust off the glass.Some corals do fine without feeding,zoos,many softies included.I would research to see what type food the corals you want to keep feed on.Some like larger meaty food,some smaller,zooplankton,phytoplankton, get the idea right?
I forgot to add some are photosynthetic and don't need supplemental feeding or receive all they need from the nutrient in the water.
I found cyclopeeze as the best food for zoos,me thinks.But, like I said earlier they don't need to be fed.Light and the nutrients in the water is enough for them.