How do you acclimate???


Active Member
I'm just curious about how everyone acclimates their livestock? I'm beginning to think that I don't acclimate my fish as long as everyone else. In my defense, I have only lost 3 fish very shortly after going into the display. These were my anthias that were pretty much DOA.


I drip....but my problem is that the temp gets colder in the bucket as things acclimate. I haven't lost anything right after adding at this point. But I always get nervous that my creatures will get too cold.


oh, and how long I drip depends on what I am acclimating. I drip fish for about 2 hrs, and inverts 3-4 hrs.


Active Member
We talked a bit about this in my old shipping bag salinity thread.
I generally test the bag water and adjust acclimation accordingly (don't know if I'm really doing any good by that, but it makes me feel better)
Fish from LFS in water roughly the same pH:
~20-30 minute drip *Saxman posted a fish acclimation procedure that I keep in mind now*
Crabs, shrimp etc:
~2 hr float
Snails, except nerites:
~3-4 hr float
Bang Guy posted an acclimation procedure for nerites yesterday that I will use the next time I try.